
Fractures are bone abrasions that range in severity. A fracture depends on the intensity of an injury and can be a crack, a partial break, or a complete break. Fractures happen due to a variety of reasons including pressures on the bone, excessive weakness in the bone, or severe injury. Fractures can happen in any bone of the body and often lead to swelling and pain in the affected area.

Signs Of A Bone Fracture:

Warning signs of a fracture can be easily detected without a specific diagnosis. Indications include:

  • The affected area will start swelling.
  • The affected individual will not be able to move their impacted body part.
  • The injured person may feel a chill and itching in the impacted body part. 
  • The affected area will ache unbearably. 

Causes Of A Fracture:

There is no one single cause of fracture in any body part. However, there are some common causes of bone fractures: 

  • If someone trips and falls from a significant altitude.
  • If someone has a severe accident. 
  • If someone puts continuous stress on a bone. 
  • If someone's bones are too weak (potential Osteoporosis). 
  • If someone has a metabolic disease or is deficient in certain nutrients.

First Aid For Any Fracture Injury:

  • The first step someone should take is to check whether the injured person can breathe properly.
  • Next one should check whether they are bleeding from another part separate from the fractured area. 
  • Before taking the wounded person to the hospital, one must ensure the injured person is not restless.
  • Then one should immediately take the person to an urgent care or hospital as the injury can swell.
  • If the upper skin is also injured, one should use first aid that area, as it can decrease the chance of infection.
  • One can also use ice packs to reduce the pain.
  • The most important step is taking the wounded person to the hospital or urgent care as licensed providers are well equipped to cure a fracture.
  • The provider will perform an X-ray of the injured person and can examine the severity of the fracture.
  • After examining the severity, doctors can prescribe the proper treatment.

Activities To Avoid In Deality With Fracture:

  • Do not shift the wounded bone as it can surge the wound. 
  • Never treat bone fractures at home as this injury generally requires clinical treatment.

When To Consult A Doctor

  • If the person is nauseous or not responding to questions.
  • If you see the injured person is unable to move the body part and aching severely.
  • If the injured area color changes to blue or becomes swollen. 
  • If one can see or feel the fracture in the bone through the outer skin.

Prevention Measures To Avoid A Fracture:

If one wants to be safe from a fracture, one can take preventive measures to avoid the injury, including:

  • Wearing a helmet on the head and cushioned pads on the knees and elbows while playing certain sports.
  • Implementing child-safe products in homes with children so corners of sharp furniture cannot hurt them.
  • Trying not to put excess pressure on any body part during activity (especially if you have Osteoporosis). 

Final Thought:

Though a fracture is a serious injury and requires immediate medical attention, it is curable. Timely treatment is necessary as prolonged response can render the injury worse.

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